The Wrath of Fireheart

Firepaw and Graypaw are finally having their naming ceremony and are about  to become warriors. Bluestar, the clan’s leader, begins to speak,”Graypaw. From now on you shall be known as Graystripe.” Bluestar went on,” And for you Firepaw. You shall be known as Fireheart. Here are our new warriors!” the clan cheered. Fireheart was full with joy and told Graystripe. “We are best friends so after the ceremony would you like to go hunting?” “Sure” said Graystripe.
After the ceremony the two friends went to go hunting out of the camp. Fireheart saw a mouse and caught it. Fireheart mewed proudly,” I made the catch before you. Wow.” Graystripe looked at Fireheart and said,” I am jealous.” He then pounced Fireheart. “Get off me!” yelled Fireheart. “I wanted first catch!” Graystripe disappeared.
Fireheart woke up gasping. He looked up and Graystripe was staring at him. “I didn’t like your dream.” he said. Then he pounced Fireheart.
Fireheart woke up gasping and Graystripe was peering down at him. “Bluestar called for you.”
Fireheart went over to Bluestar’s den. He found Bluestar waiting for him. “Tigerclaw, my deputy that you don’t like, wants to talk to you.” said Bluestar. Tiger claw came up and gave a sign to Fireheart that he should follow him.
Fireheart followed and was led into a deep forest. Tigerclaw motioned him to stop and said,” If you jump that gorge you are a true warrior” Fireheart went into his position. He stood at the edge of the gorge getting ready to jump when he saw that Tigerclaw was charging behind him. He jumped up and Tigerclaw fell into the gorge. Fireheart stared in horror but knew that he deserved it because he killed the original deputy to become deputy. Only Graystripe, Fireheart, and Ravenpaw knew about this. Bluestar came over and said,”What’s going on?” Fireheart knew that nothing was his fault. He tried to speak but Bluestar started first. “You killed my deputy!” she said shoving Fireheart into the gorge.
Fireheart landed on a soft surface he was relieved that he wasn’t badly injured. He looked down to see what was the soft surface that had saved his fall. It was Tigerclaw’s dead body. Fireheart was frightened about the body and how he could possibly get out of this mess. He saw a tree root sticking out from a side and Fireheart climbed it and got to the surface. He rushed To Bluestar’s den and told Bluestar everything. “Very well.” she said. “You are now our new deputy” said Bluestar. “Yay!” said Fireheart with delight. Bluestar began to speak again,”Now, you must eat the porridge of epicness.” He stepped aside and there was an ugly looking goop in a bowl. “Drink.” said Bluestar. Fireheart picked up the bowl and poured a  little into his mouth. It was delicious! He ate it all. “Good. now get some rest for tomorrow.” Bluestar said. Then she walked away.
Fireheart proudly walked out and started walking to his den. “Kittypet!” shouted Longtail. Fireheart got mad and Longtail turned into a bowl of porridge. Fireheart was confused. He walked over and looked at it. He took a bite. It was good. He then turned into a pony and flew away, into the sunset.